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My Mortgage Blog — Latest Posts
Mortgage Fraud – Don’t Let It Happen to You
There has been a growing concern about fraud in the industry for a number of years. According to Equifax, suspected fraudulent mortgage applications have increased by 52% in Canada since...
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There’s real estate life outside of Toronto and Vancouver
If you read the headlines about the housing industry, you’re bound to think that affordability is out of reach, and if you’re a first-time home buyer, you may think you will never be able to own a...
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Buying a Vacation Property?
Vacations give us time to spend with family and friends, a time to kick back and relax, away from the noise and hustle of home. Some might consider owning their own piece of paradise. Having a second...
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The Ongoing Stress Test Debate
The controversy over the mortgage stress test continues. Banks, economists, mortgage lenders, Realtors, mortgage brokers, and its association Mortgage Professionals Canada (MPC) are urging government...
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