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Happy Holidays



10 Holiday Travel Tips


Planning a trip this holiday season? It’s a busy time for travel so here are 10 tips to help keep you sane and happy.

  1. Road Trip. If you can, avoid flying altogether by driving to your destination. You can pack up all you need – gifts, clothes, food -- and off you go. But, if driving is a no-go, then move to the
    next tip.
  2. Travel early or later in the day. Here are the plusses – less traffic, shorter lines, planes are on-time, usually. If your flight is cancelled you have a better chance of catching another one
    later in the day.
  3. Leave for the airport early. This is peak travel season if you’re flying so save yourself the stress that comes with unexpected longer-than-normal wait lines, and extra traffic. You may want to consider leaving a few days earlier.
  4. Travel on Christmas Day. If it’s an option, take it – airports are very slow on that day. 
  5. Pack wisely. Make sure you’re aware of the latest rules with regard to what’s allowed on carry-on bags. Your airline’s website will have that info and if there is a fee for extra bags. Don’t forget to carry on any medications d a change of clothes, just in case.
  6. Creature Comforts. Cramped legroom, narrow seats and crying babies are enough to raise your stress levels. So stay warm and comfy with your own blanket, earplugs and/or noise-cancelling headphones, and even an eye mask.
  7. Ship gifts. You may need to unwrap gifts while going through security, so it’s best to ship them prior to leaving.
  8. Eat! To maintain your energy, pack some snacks. Your mind can’t think straight when you’re hungry and who knows how long you’ll be waiting for your flight.
  9. Stay  connected. Have you boarding pass sent to your phone. Download your airline's app to keep updated on flight changes.
  10. Put it all together and keep your cool. Plan ahead, do your research and try not to sweat the small stuff.

Happy holidays!

Larry Ellis
919 Prospect St., Suite 50
Tel. 506.455.2422